1:1 Mechanic Time

Our BBP mechanics are so excited to have you in the shop & work with you on your projects. Come prepared to your appointment knowing that you’ll be doing the work and we’ll be on hand to talk you through steps you need help with.

Mechanic Classes

BBP is holding a 2024 mechanic class series! There are a few changes from last year’s classes:

  1. Classes are FREE to members!

  2. Non-members are welcome to attend one class free of charge. (Additional classes will be a $10 charge each, paid in-person on the night of the class.)

  3. You will not receive a BBP apron, but they will be available to purchase for $20.

  4. Classes may not go in the same order as previously, and class topics may be repeated occasionally within the 9 weeks.

  5. There will be a 15-person cap per class.

  6. Sign-ups for each class will open on Thursday morning at 9:30 AM the week before the class. For example, the sign-up for the class on March 13th will open at 9:30 AM on March 7th. Class sign-ups will remain open until filled.

BBP's mechanic classes are built to help you become more familiar with your bike, its components, and maintenance that will help it run smoothly for years to come. Our goal is to empower you to be more confident in your bike mechanic skills. Classes are open to all skill levels- we just that you come excited to learn more about your bike!

Each class will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm every Wednesday for 4 x 9-week segments, January 17th through October 9th. No classes will be held in between segments on March 20th, May 29, or August 7th.

If you have any questions please feel free to call the shop at 208-429-6520 or email Matt, our Lead Mechanic and Educator, at matt@boisebicycleproject.org. We look forward to teaching you more about your bikes!

Sign up for the next mechanic class

During the May 8th Mechanic Class we’ll be covering brakes! In this class, you will learn about the different types of brakes and how to maintain them. We will also be learning how to replace brake pads. 

Schedule A Member Appointment